We at Healing Touch Holistic offer you a large range of authentic ancient medical treatments experienced , witnessed , and proved the efficacy by millions of people for more than 5,000 years.

Ayurveda treatments (Indian herbal Medicine), Ayurveda oil massage , Ayurveda “pancha karma” treatments, Sri Lankan traditional massage , authentic clinical aromatherapy treatments, Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are offered to our clients, both in Canada and Sri Lanka.





Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese medicine Treatments





Ayurveda Treatments (Indian Herbal Medicine)





Treatments for addiction (smoking/ Alcohol /Drugs)





Genecology and Infertility










Herbal Oil Massages





Herbal Diabetic Treatments





Pain Management





Stress Management





Yoga and Meditation





Clinical Aromatherapy Treatments





Qi Gong & Tai Chi




